Teachings of Ramtha

Teachings of Ramtha


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Founder and President of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, JZ Knight, shared her story and experiences connected with the channeling of a 35,000 year old warrior from the lost continent of Lemuria called Ramtha. He first made himself known to her "in my kitchen in Tacoma, WA in 1977," she said. Knight described leaving her body and going into a light filled tunnel, while Ramtha took over her body.

Ramtha declared that he was a descendant of an advanced race of beings from beyond the North Star who came to Earth around 455,000 years ago. During his incarnation, in a period when the planet was wrapped in an atmospheric vapor, the 7-ft. tall warrior claimed that he conquered 2/3 of the planet over a 63 year period with his army of two million soldiers, Knight recounted. Recovering from an injury, he found enlightenment and became an "ascended" master.

Ramtha teaches that consciousness and energy are interwoven and that each person is a god, though they may have lost touch with this knowledge. Our mission, he states, is "to make known the unknown," which is an eternal process. Knight said that during teaching sessions, Ramtha can inhabit her body for up to 12 hours at a time. According to a 1997 study, Knight undergoes specific documented changes when she is channeling.

Quake Update

First hour guest, geologist Jim Berkland commented on the recent quake in Ark. and Tenn. which he said was not that unusual. It occurred during one of his predicted "seismic windows" that relates to maximum tidal forces.

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