Generational Forecasting


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Author William Strauss outlined the cycles of American history and detailed his prediction for a change or "turning" for the years 2005-2025. Such turnings are "driven by generational change," he explained, with four main archetypes (prophet, nomad, hero, artist) repeating themselves in 20 year intervals.

In this upcoming 4th Turning, he sees the United States in a crisis mode responding to global terrorism, and posits an increased use of technology that may restrict civil liberties in exchange for perceived security. America's young people (the new "Hero" generation) could be enlisted to serve in a National Service Corps, he said. He referred to them as the "Homeland Generation," children who are just growing up now, that never knew how America felt before 9/11.

Further, there will be a return to "classic virtues" during this cycle where honor, reputation, civic duty and strength of family will be highlighted, he noted. Yet Strauss also anticipates "class warfare" in this time frame, driven by the cultural and economic rifts in the population.

Terrorism Update

First hour guest, author Steve Quayle offered analysis of the recent Russian plane crashes which he connected with possible Chechnyan terrorism. He also issued an alert for a predicted Internet attack set for August 26th.

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