9-11 Enigmas


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Dave vonKleist, co-host of The Power Hour radio program, shared evidence from his video, 911: In Plane Site, which documents unexplained circumstances involving events at the Pentagon and WTC. One of the inexplicable elements of the Pentagon attack, was that only a 16 ft. hole was created at the crash site (a Boeing 757 is over 44 ft. tall and 125 ft. wide) and he suggested that it was possible a missile hit the structure rather than the commercial jet. The French book Pentagate was what first brought some of these anomalies to his attention, he said.

vonKleist also presented baffling material related to Flight 175's crash into the South Tower, some of which he first became exposed to at the letsroll911.org site. A Fox TV employee who was interviewed live, described seeing a plane with a blue logo near the front and no windows, which does not match United's format. But a no windows style does match a type of tanker transport, vonKleist detailed. He also described video footage which appears to show a large bulge on the bottom of the jet, which also does not conform to United's planes.

This "completely changes everything we've been told about September 11th," said vanKleist, who stated his goal was to bring this evidence forward, rather than speculate on conspiracy theories. He did however suggest that the evidence may point to a "huge clandestine operation" in which the hijacked United and American planes may not have been the ones that hit the targets.

vonKleist has made available to us three video clips (Windows Media format) from his documentary 911 In Plane Site: Flight 175 Anomalies | No Windows on Flt. 175 | Before Pentagon Collapse

Formisano/Mars Update

In the first Hour Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission and journalist Paola Harris discussed the planned announcement about Mars by Dr. Vittorio Formisano. Hoagland believes that Formisano still plans to declare there is life on Mars at a conference in Italy next month, which Harris said she will be attending. Related Link.

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