Perceptions from Spirit


Hosted byGeorge Noory


Hans King, an internationally acclaimed psychic medium and spiritual teacher, returned to the show to share his perceptions. "The spirit world is a parallel dimension," where the colors are richer, feelings are sublime and great information and music are available, he informed.

Everyone has at least one spirit guide or guardian angel, and some people have as many as eight, he continued. He commented that a person's spirit guide might reveal their name in a dream state. King, who works with four master guides, said their appearance is just like live folks, though "spirit is very large," and each of his guides are 7ft. tall. Spirits usually appear to be in their 30's, as they prefer to choose an age when they were at their physical peak, he noted.

Children should not be discouraged from speaking with spirits if they are so inclined, and he suggested they be given a pad to draw what they see from the other side. Among the books he recommended for further study were: Opening to Channel, Personal Power Through Awareness, The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore, and Wisdom from White Eagle.

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