Alien Abduction Update

Alien Abduction Update


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Prof. David M. Jacobs gave an update on alien abduction and ufology during the first half of the program. Calling UFOs virtual "abduction machines," he said that the aliens' global program has grown exponentially since it began sometime in the late 19th century.

Based on witness testimony, often gleaned through hypnosis, Jacobs believes the purpose of the abductions has been to create a race of hybrids. "We're looking at an integration program," in which the hybrids will be placed into our society serving as "surrogates" for the aliens, he postulated.

Jacobs, who said his next book will be on the methodology of UFO investigation, discussed some of the difficulties involved with hypnotic testimony. He said a skilled hypnotist must be able to sort out "the signal from the noise" and recognize confabulation, as well as avoid making testimony conform to any specific agenda. Interestingly, Jacobs suggested that the US government is not paying attention to the abduction phenomenon because it takes its cue from the mainstream scientific community which is hostile to the topic.

Alien Radio

In a fascinating survey published in Fate Magazine, Scott Corrales chronicled reports of anomalous or alien radio messages. There was the case of Octavio Ortiz, a Chilean who said he received ham radio communications from "Ariel," a voice that claimed to be "not of this world [and yet] belonged to humankind." In one instance in 1985, a UFO appeared over Ortiz's home while Ariel was transmitting. Corrales noted that a ufologist who studied the incident, found that other ham radio operators in the area reported interference during that time frame.

The SAMIZDAT newsletter makes a correlation between UFO abductions and areas high in levels of ELF radiation and FM radio waves, Corrales wrote. The newsletter goes on to site the case of "Alicia" a woman from Rosario, Argentina (a city with a large number of FM stations) who while riding a public bus and listening to her Walkman radio, suddenly heard the music drastically change to a foreign language choral piece. According to her account, she became paralyzed in a white fog, and was temporarily transported to a spacecraft.

A phone call from an "alien" was received on the Greater London Radio program in January 1971 according to the article Alleged TV and Radio Broadcasts from Space by Jon Hurst. Speaking in a "cold metallic voice," which claimed to be of extraterrestrial origin, it declared to the host "I have not phoned you, I am speaking by thought-transference guided by computer."

Open Lines

The latter half of the program featured Open Lines, with callers sharing particularly memorable incidents. One late night convenience store clerk recalled how he was held up at knife point (as C2C played on the store's radio).

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