Extraterrestrial Agenda

Extraterrestrial Agenda


Hosted byGeorge Noory

William Bramley, the author of The Gods of Eden, shared his hypothesis that extraterrestrial visitors have conspired to dominate mankind through secret societies and religions. While he feels most religions get at important truths, Bramley said they are often twisted by apocalyptic warnings which radicalize their adherents, and encourage them to perpetuate cycles of war and chaos. Prophetic writings in the Bible, such as those of Ezekiel could be tied to UFO encounters, he noted, as well as modern day abductees who often report being shown future calamities befalling the Earth.

The agenda of the ETs (whom Bramley identified as currently being the small grey aliens) may be multifaceted, he said. In one capacity, humanity serves as a slave race to them. But the ETs may also have a spiritual motivation, which is to keep souls imprisoned in this universe, he theorized.

Back in 1989, just after his book first came out, Bramley predicted that Islam would be the next great threat, as communism was waning, and the aliens and the secret societies they control, aspire to keep humanity in conflict. In his soon to be published book, Jesus Goes to Hollywood, Bramley explores different alternative notions of Christ, such as was written about in the Book of Enoch, for example.

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