Mars Initiative/ Cursed Hotline

Mars Initiative/ Cursed Hotline


Hosted byGeorge Noory

First hour guest, Richard Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, joined us from his homebase in New Mexico to discuss why he thinks the Mars initiative is losing momentum. He suggested that it's not because of lack of enthusiasm from Captitol Hill; rather, it seems to be "great reservations about NASA's ability to carry it out." He continued, "The NASA we currently have is kind of in limbo in terms of can it do the job."

As further proof of just how out of touch NASA has become, Hoagland cited NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe's recent idea to kill the extremely successful Hubble Telescope program. Hoagland called for NASA to be reorganized into a much larger agency, and the creation of a cabinet level position called the Department of the Exterior, which could oversee both the technical aspects of space travel and, more importantly, involve the American people in the program.


A woman from San Antonio called our special "I Was Cursed" Hotline to relate her own experience as the victim of a curse. According to her story, in 1985 a former roommate, who knew somebody that practiced black magic, had a curse cast on her. The curse lasted for 20 years, until she found a "good witch" to lift the curse for $500. In another call to the "Cursed" line a man said his sister-in-law cursed him for not allowing her to see his wife (her sister) before she died. He claims to have lost his house, possessions, and health because of this curse.

In other calls, Predro called from jail to share his out-of-body experiences. He says he has traveled out of his body twice, and has tried unsuccessfully to meet up with this father, who taught him how to do it. We wish Pedro luck in his astral travels as his physical body will likely be locked up for some time.

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