The Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Physician and health educator Lynne Kitei shared her story of being witness to the still unexplained "Phoenix Lights" in Arizona, in March 1997, a huge triangular formation seen by countless residents. What made her story all the more remarkable is that she had documented similar lights, in the same location in 1995, and again in January 1997.

In the '95 sighting she described seeing three "amber orbs" hovering over a private desert area. The top orb suddenly disappeared, she said, as if it had been "cloaked" rather than actually leaving the area. There was an "eerie silence" and the sense of an intelligence presence, Kitei noted.

One of the 1997 witnesses said they saw the amber orbs detach and then rejoin the main craft, Kitei reported. Interestingly, she said she spoke with Indians from a reservation in the Phoenix area and they told her such "light beings," had been seen by them for generations. Theorizing as to what the Phoenix Lights could be, Kitei suggested perhaps what was being seen was a "gateway," for a craft to come in and out of our environment. "Maybe we're looking on the AM dial for an FM frequency," she added.

Hoagland Update

"Science is nothing if not prediction," said Tuesday's first hour guest Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission. His comment was made in relation to the latest NASA announcement that a salty sea covered parts of Mars, which was something he and Mike Bara had predicted in their 2001 published Mars Tidal Model. Their report theorizes that in the ancient past Mars was once was the moon of a bigger planet, and its water came from tidal stress.

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