Martian Reports

Martian Reports


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Investigator Linda Moulton Howe, the guest for the first half of Friday's show, offered reports on some of the strange findings of the Mars rovers. She interviewed Geology Prof. Ronald Greeley about puzzling filaments found laying in the soil grains on Meridiani Planum. Greeley suggested they could be related to the "fibrous things that can form in minerals like asbestos."

Linda also played portions of her interview with Steve Squyers, the Principal Investigator on the Mars Rover Missions, who informed her that neither rover had any instruments aboard that were capable of detecting whether there were organic substances in the soil. The missions, were strictly to determine whether there was past water on the planet, said Squyers, who became irate when pressed with further questions about the possibility of organic elements. Read her full interview here.

One of Linda's next speaking engagements will be at the first annual X-Conference, an "exopolitics expo," being held in Washington DC this April.

Electric Hotline

The second half of Friday's show featured Open Lines that included a special "Electric Hotline," to discuss disturbances that had been reported nationwide that included blackouts and the malfunction of cars' remote locking devices (see this KLAS story). A caller from Toronto, said he saw a strike of lightning in clear weather, which was followed by a power outage. Another outage occurred at a refinery in Northern California, said a later caller. A third person theorized that the disturbances might have been related to a recent M-class solar flare.

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