The Science of ORMUS

The Science of ORMUS


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Barry Carter discussed the implications of a new class of materials called ORMUS. These materials, have also been referred to as monoatomic gold or white powder gold, and were extensively researched by David Hudson who gave them the name Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or ORMEs.

Carter indicated this substance could likely be traced back to ancient times and was perhaps what was called Manna in the Bible, used in preparations by the Egyptians and developed by Chinese alchemists. While it's currently associated with medicinal properties and life extension, Carter said it also has levitational qualities, and he described seeing a pool of ORMUS liquid lift off the ground and float towards the nearest person.

Ingesting ORMUS may give people a stronger and clearer connection to their spiritual energy, Carter commented, which allows them to manifest their thoughts more quickly. Though science comprehends very little about this substance, Carter contends that once it is understood, "it will change everything." He is also an advocate of a grassroots approach to the use of ORMUS, and said that it can be inexpensively produced through such materials as salt water and lye.

William Henry Update

First hour guest, investigative mythologist William Henry chatted about the pre-history of Mars, theorizing that its inhabitants may have used the Earth as a "lifeboat," after their planet faced calamity. Henry also suggested that the capture of Saddam Hussein may have been staged to demonstrate to the Iraqi people that he does not have magical powers and to destroy the myth that he is the reincarnated Nebuchadnezzar

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