ETs and Government Knowledge

ETs and Government Knowledge


Hosted byGeorge Noory

"This is the biggest story in human history," said Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean, the main guest on Wednesday's program. He was referring to the extraterrestrial presence on this planet, which he first became aware of while examining top secret reports as a NATO officer in the early 1960's. The initial information he read, detailed a series of large metallic circular objects that were seen over Europe in 1961. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.

The reports concluded that the craft were being operated by interplanetary or extraterrestrial beings, of which four different kinds had been delineated. Dean listed them as:

  • "classic little greys"
  • 5-6 ft. tall version of the greys
  • large humanoids with "almost bleached white skin"
  • a group that looked the same as humans

It was this last group "that shook them up the most. They could be walking up and down the White House and we wouldn't know it," he said. By the time Dean retired in 1976, he said that eight additional alien types had been catalogued.

"We're dealing with a multidimensional intelligence," Dean said, adding that our ancient ancestors may have known far more about them than we do. He believes that the ETs have been with us for eons and that they genetically manipulated our species, and continue to monitor our genetic development.

Shuttle Update

Richard C. Hoagland (enterprisemission) appeared in the first half-hour of Wednesday's show to discuss new information about the Columbia Shuttle and NASA. Citing an article from Florida Today, Hoagland said that NASA may have missed an opportunity to send a hasty rescue mission after the Columbia crew.

He also commented that some new Mars imagery, which showed geometric patterns on the South Pole, may be indicative of ancient ruins. Hoagland will be speaking at Conspiracy Con, this weekend in the Bay Area.

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