Bruce Van Natta

Bruce Van Natta

Bruce Van Natta is the founder and president of Sweet Bread Ministries. His journey from prodigal son to full time ministry stretched out over three decades before culminating in a display of God’s power and grace. In 2006, Bruce was crushed underneath a semi-truck and was at the verge of death when he had an “out of body” experience. During this near death experience he saw two angels that the Lord had sent to save his life. He wrote the book "Saved By Angels" about the experience.

Bruce has appeared on Sid Roth’s "It’s Supernatural" TV and radio shows, the Trinity Broadcasting Network, and 5 episodes of the "It’s a New Day" TV show. He has also been on "100 Huntley Street" and the "Nite Lite" TV shows as well as several radio shows, and his story has aired on the "700 Club" several times. Since recovering from this accident, he and his family have gone into full-time ministry sharing their gripping testimony wherever the Lord leads. They have felt led to not only minister to the body of Christ but also to those in need, resulting in building an orphanage in Honduras and a church in India, as well as doing prison and jail ministry.



Past Shows:

  • NDE & Angelic Intervention

    Dave Schrader welcomed Bruce Van Natta, who after an accident, was on the verge of death when he had an "out of body" experience. During this near-death experience, he saw two angels that he believes were sent to save his life. Appearing during the first half-hour, author...More »

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