Diane Tessman

Diane Tessman is a counselor with over 30 years’ experience. She specializes in creating books, newsletters and personal dialogs about earth prophecies, climate and society changes. Perhaps even more importantly, Diane offers personal spiritual counseling for people who are worried about these times of great change. While teaching school in the 1970s, Diane was the Florida State Section Director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), investigating a number of amazing and mysterious UFO sightings.



Past Shows:

  • Astrology of Presidents / The Alien Puzzle

    Astrologer Mark Lerner reviewed the charts of Trump and 2020 candidates. Followed by Diane Tessman on the theory that aliens are time travelers.More »
  • Robotics & AI/ Alien Encounters

    In the first half, aerospace and defense systems developer Sir Charles Shults discussed the rapid advances in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) and why some people fear they will dominate the available jobs for humans, as well as eventually gain an upper hand over...More »

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