Anthony F. Sanchez

Author of the explosive book UFO Highway Anthony F. Sanchez is the founder of UMBRA PARANORMAL a group dedicated to understanding the intricacies of Paranormal Science. In addition, Anthony is organizer of the UFO PARANORMAL SUMMIT (Sacramento, CA) which provides an unprecedented gathering of top experts to help share the latest emerging news, ideas and technology.

Frustrated with the lack of Paranormal Software available for the Windows platform, Anthony took it upon himself to create the apps himself. He brings twenty-plus years of software engineering experience to create these new apps under the GHOSTHUNTERAPPS™ brand.

Already familiar with a host of traditional analogue and solid state instruments for researching the paranormal; Anthony decided to translate this knowledge into software so that the millions of people who use Windows can begin to participate in Paranormal Investigations leveraging the superior computing power of their Laptops, Tablets and PCs.

Anthony is a senior level technologist and veteran of Silicon Valley, having received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University in Salt Lake City, UT. He has worked for Intel Corporation, 3Com Corporation, HP, NEC and still develops software for the State of CA through his own consulting firm.



Past Shows:

  • Technocracy & NWO

    Patrick Wood described the dangers of the political system called "technocracy" in a world run by scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians.More »
  • Peruvian Skulls/ Paranormal Apps

    AuthorL.A. Marzulli reported on his research into the Peruvian elongated skulls (Related images). Anthony F. Sanchez talked about his paranormal apps.More »
  • Ghosts & Hauntings/ Paranormal Apps

    In the first half, host Connie Willis (email) welcomed author and paranormal investigator Jason McLeod for a discussion on his research into ghosts and hauntings as well as his book Dark Siege which tells the tale of a Connecticut family plagued by an evil apparition. In the...More »
  • Marine Animal Deaths & ET Warfare

    Earthfiles investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed the continuing West Coast die-off of sea stars; concerns that warming ocean waters will allow new viruses, bacteria and microbes to attack marine life; and information about a USAF Lt. Colonel sharing his firsthand...More »
  • Regenerative Medicine/ Dulce Base

    In the first half, researcher Christian Wilde talked about the emerging field of regenerative medicine, and how scientists are actually building replacement body parts with stem cells. In the latter half, software engineer and UFO researcher, Anthony F. Sanchez, presented...More »

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