Aaron Sagers

Aaron Sagers

Aaron Sagers, founder of Paranormalpopculture.com, is an entertainment journalist, nationally syndicated pop culture columnist, published author and pundit. He is also an expert historian and lecturer on the field of paranormal-themed entertainment, also known as "paranormal pop culture," and founder of ParanormalPopCulture.com. His work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, The Baltimore Sun, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Miami Herald, Budget Travel, The Calgary Herald, Playboy, MSNBC.com, and both ABC-CLIO and H.W. Wilson reference guide publishers, along with many other outlets.

He guest-edited two (March/April, May/June 2011) pop culture-focused issues of the TAPS ParaMagazine (the publication of Syfy's Ghost Hunters) and has appeared as a guest judge on Travel Channel's Paranormal Challenge. He has interviewed countless celebrities and gotten stories of paranormal experiences out of many, and has worked with the casts of Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Ghost Hunters Academy, Haunted Collector, Psychic Kids, Paranormal State and more.


Past Shows:

  • Doppelgangers Doppelgangers

    Expert in the field of paranormal-themed entertainment Aaron Sagers explored doppelgangers in folklore and paranormal pop culture.More »
  • Truth About Fluoride

    Paul Connett, Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network, joined Ian to discuss the truth about fluoride and how this toxic chemical has no real health benefits whatsoever. In the first hour, journalist Aaron Sagers gave an update from Comic-Con, and author R. Gary...More »

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