Stan Romanek

With one of the most well documented cases of UFO sightings and alien abductions, Stan Romanek has been having UFO sightings since the age of 5. After a UFO encounter in December of 2000, of which he videotaped, his life has been a living nightmare.


Past Shows:

  • Drones, Spheres & the Mars Lander

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented reports on 'dragonfly' drone sightings, a pearl-colored sphere retrieved in Alabama, the Mars Phoenix Lander, and a new cattle mutilation case. The new Mars mission isn't intended to determine if microbes exist in the soil,...More »
  • Haunted by UFOs

    "I could actually feel the vibration in my shirt," Stan Romanek said of a sonic boom he experienced when a UFO he was videotaping suddenly accelerated. The craft was spinning and metallic, with segmented spheres on the bottom said Romanek, who was the guest this past Monday...More »
  • Stan Romanek / Neil Slade

    Stan has some amazing UFO footage to be discussed.Neil teaches people how to easily release theirbrain's pre-existing neurocircuits for high increases in creativity,intelligence, pleasure, as well as numerous paranormal abilities. Previouslyat the Dormant Brain Research and...More »