Ian Punnett

Ian Punnett

As a professional broadcaster, Ian Punnett experienced success equally in Minneapolis-St. Paul and Chicago as well as Nashville and Atlanta. On top of his weekday radio and TV work, Ian may be best known as the weekend host of the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast AM, heard on more than 500 stations across the country.

In 2013, Ian left commercial media to pursue his PhD at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, part of Arizona State University. He is the author of several books, including How to Pray When You’re Pissed at God from Random House, which was featured on CBS Morning News, Esquire.com, and CNN.com, and two children’s books written to raise money for canine charities, Dizzy the Mutt with the Propeller Butt and Jackula the Vampire Dog.



Past Shows:

  • True Crime Narratives/ Messages from Heaven

    Ian Punnett discussed true crime narratives. Followed by Dr. Leo Galland on his spiritual epiphanies after the death of his son.More »
  • Thanksgiving Secret Door II

    On this festive night, George Noory tried to guess the identity of four surprise guests who were behind the secret door.More »
  • Dark Galaxy, Animal Mutilations, & ET Encounter

    Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed a new type of astronomical telescope known as the 'Dragonfly' which has discovered a "dark galactic twin of our Milky Way Galaxy;" recent unexplained animal mutilations; and eyewitness testimony of a triangular UFO...More »
  • Ian Punnett Update/ Open Lines

    In the first half, former Coast to Coast AM host Ian Punnett, who is working on his PhD from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University, spoke about his latest book, A Black Night for the Bluegrass Belle, detailing the 1936 murder...More »

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