Dennis Pfohl

Dennis Pfohl

Dennis Pfohl grew up in Southern California, he was raised exploring and appreciating the great outdoors. After moving to Colorado in 1987 he met and married his wife, Shannon, and they raised four children. Pfohl and Shannon live in the San Luis Valley in Colorado where they operate their own Solar PV installation business, Universal Solar Applications, and spend most of their free time outdoors, camping, fishing, hunting and traveling this great nation.

Pfohl has been involved in Bigfoot/Sasquatch research since September 2001 after he and his family, while fishing, found a large human-like footprint near the edge of an alpine lake in the high mountains of central Colorado near Leadville. After that life-changing event and finally discovering a potential reason for several unexplained unusual experiences they had had in Colorado over the previous few years he and his wife had become driven to know more about these remarkable creatures. They started to frequent these areas in the High Country of Central Colorado searching for more sign and evidence and learned all they could about the mystery by reading books and scouring the internet for all the information they could find.

In December of 2004, Pfohl was invited to join the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization and attended the Mescalero, New Mexico BFRO expedition. Then over the next several months he investigated a number of reports from the Apache Reservation in Mescalero. He has become familiar with and values the Apache Peoples knowledge and respect of the subject.

As a BFRO investigator/researcher Pfohl has been privileged to meet and become friends with other investigators from all over North America. In 2005, Adrian Erickson, a successful property developer, invited Pfohl to meet him at a sighting location in Northern Kentucky to investigate claims of ongoing sightings in a rural area and subsequently named him project manager. This eventually became known as the "Erickson Project", a five year effort to gather better evidence and to place an accredited scientist, Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh, PhD (Princeton) on the location to document the activity and species' existence. During the five years Pfohl acted as project manager he traveled extensively all over the United States and Canada to other sighting locations and worked with numerous people in efforts to obtain evidence in the forms of video, audio, photographs, all varieties of spoor and DNA. He was successful in Kentucky, Texas and Tennessee.

In January 2019 Pfohl appeared with David Paulides, author of the Missing 411 book series and Harvey Pratt, forensic artist and his wife Gina, in the History Channel special “Vanished”. This program featured two cases from David’s book.

Pfohl is the founder of the Colorado Bigfoot Research Group and currently devotes a considerable amount of time following up on reports of Sasquatch activity in Colorado and stays actively involved in research with fellow investigators from all over the United States and Canada. He also partners with Jim Myers, owner of Sasquatch Outpost in Bailey and David Paulides in organizing the annual Mile High Mystery Conference in Colorado. This year’s conference will occur on September 20-22, 2019 in Green Mountain Falls. Pfohl acknowledges all those who he has worked with over these years, and their valuable help and support.


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