Cathy O'Brien

Cathy O'Brien was born into a multi-generational incest abusive family. Her father, with a 4th grade education, was a worm digger for local fishermen, all while producing child pornography of Cathy and her siblings. He was allegedly caught sending this porn through the US mail when Cathy was about 5 years old, at which time a faction of the CIA made a deal with her father to sell her into the CIA's mind control project in exchange for immunity from prosecution and immediately became the vice president of a newly formed private corporation dedicated as a military industrial supplier. Her sworn testimonies of abuse and torture by her father and the CIA was proven and tested through the US courts and was presented to both Houses of Congress, and the U.N. only to be stopped from all future adjudication under the US National Security Act.



Past Shows:

  • Government Mind Control

    George Knapp was joined by former mind-control victim Cathy O'Brien along with Mark Phillips, the former government employee who deprogrammed her. Together, they discussed her amazing story of surviving the MK Ultra program. O'Brien said that during her time in the program...More »

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