Dr. Melvin Morse

Dr. Melvin Morse

Melvin L Morse MD is a pioneer of near-death research, especially in children. He did the first "gold standard" prospective studies of NDEs after cardiac arrest at Seattle Children's Hospital and has numerous publications in the scientific and medical literature. He applies the lessons of the NDE to his research in the neuroscience of spirituality, applied remote viewing, energy healing, meditation, and personal transformation. His organization The Recidivism Prevention Group utilizes spiritual tools to facilitate the ex-incarcerated's re-entry to society.



Past Shows:

  • 2019 in Numerology / Science & Spirituality

    Numerologist Glynis McCants discussed how this year’s cycle of 3 will play out. Followed by Dr. Melvin Morse on NDEs, remote viewing, and science.More »
  • Remote Viewing & NDEs

    Pediatrician and neuroscientist Dr. Melvin Morse spoke about remote viewing, children's near-death experiences (NDEs), as well as consciousness research and mind-body healing. Remote viewing and near-death experiences share certain aspects, he noted. First hour guest,...More »
  • Experiencing the Afterlife

    Psychotherapist and spirit medium August Goforth discussed his contacts with the Other Side, and neuroscientist Dr. Melvin Morse shared reports of NDEs (near-death encounters) that are are consistent with modern physics and psychology. First hour guest, minister and author...More »
  • NDEs & Remote Viewing

    Dr. Melvin Morse shared his research into Near-Death experiences (NDEs) and remote viewing. First hour guests, John Lott and Rep. Joel Boniek talked about the Firearms Freedom Act.More »
  • The Science of NDEs

    Pediatrician and neuroscientist, Dr. Melvin Morse, shared his insights from years of working with both adults and children who have had near-death experiences (NDEs). These experiences are not hallucinations and exist in real time, he said, citing the research that James...More »