Giovanni Lordi

Giovanni Lordi

Giovanni is a respected author, hypnotherapist and mesmerist. He has written the book The ToolBox 4 Life and created over 50 personal hypnotherapy sessions available on MP3. Giovanni has helped many people since 2003 when he started practicing hypnosis. He offers personal hypnotherapy sessions in Brisbane, as well as by special appointment over the phone or other parts of Australia.

Giovanni’s passion has always been to test the boundaries of the mind. He has worked personally with many people including Rugby League stars, world champion fighters and lots of everyday people wanting to change their life for the better. As an author and hypnotist, Giovanni relies heavily on life experiences, extensive knowledge and above all else, common sense. Giovanni owns Resonanz Recordings Int, a successful hypnosis/self help/relaxation CD company.



Past Shows:

  • Strange Stories & Botched Surgeries

    George Noory hosted an evening of Open Lines. In the first hour, internationally known hypnotherapist and author Giovanni Lordi discussed his work decoding the subconscious mind.More »
  • Exploring the Trance State

    In the first half of the show, author, hypnotherapist and mesmerist Giovanni Lordi discussed how the subconscious mind is the conduit to other dimensions and how it plays a role in phenomena such as out-of-body experiences and pre-cognition. Open Lines followed.More »

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