Jim Lansdale

With a background in management in several different businesses across the U.S., Jim Lansdale has been hunting Bigfoot for the last 20 years. He is one of the co-founders of Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization. At the GCBRO, he is head of investigations and has spent months on end in the back woods of Louisiana and Texas. He first encountered Bigfoot at one of his son’s deer feeders and witnessed it take off on all fours. That was the moment he was called to the cause of hunting Bigfoot.


Past Shows:

  • Bigfoot Hunting & Research

    In the middle two hours, Jim Lansdale and Bobby Hamilton of the the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO) discussed their work researching and hunting Bigfoot. First hour guest, space historian Robert Zimmerman talked about the Air Force's unmanned clandestine...More »

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