Phillip H. Krapf

Phillip H. Krapf worked for 25 years as an editor on the Metro copy desk at the Los Angeles Times. During that time, he shared in a Pulitzer Prize as a member of the Metro team that covered the L.A. riots of 1992. Before his retirement in 1993, Krapf had spent a total of 30 years in the newspaper business, starting out as a cub reporter and eventually becoming the managing editor of a suburban newspaper in the San Fernando Valley, before moving on to the L.A. Times.



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/7/02 when author Phillip Krapf spoke about his contacts with a group of ETs known as the Verdants.More »
  • Guardian Angel or ET?

    Appearing in the middle two hours, Phillip Krapf, formerly with the L.A. Times news staff, discussed his encounters with Paul, a being who claimed to be his guardian angel. Paul had the ability to materialize at will, and spent many hours conversing and counseling him, he...More »
  • Delayed Contact

    Former LA Times editor Phillip H. Krapf shared his story of contact with the extraterrestrial race he called the "Verdants." Extracted by a "calming" beam of light from his bedroom in 1997, he said he found himself "standing in a strange sphere in front of some very strange...More »