Lynne D. Kitei M.D.

An internationally acclaimed physician and health educator, Lynne D. Kitei M.D., is leading the cutting-edge era of early disease detection and prevention as Chief Clinical Consultant at the world-renowned Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/Prevention/Wellness Center in Phoenix. She is also a key witness to the still-unexplained UFO mass sighting that took place throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997, called the "Phoenix Lights." After seven years of investigative work, Dr. Lynne is coming forward for the first time with startling photographic evidence and personal anecdotes relating to the Phoenix Lights event and more.




Past Shows:

  • Vaccine Opposition / The Phoenix Lights

    Kent Heckenlively spoke about his concern over the safety of vaccinations. Followed by Dr. Lynne Kitei recalling the Phoenix Lights sighting of 1997.More »
  • Phoenix Lights Anniversary/ Mind Principles

    Dr. Lynne Kitei spoke about the 20th anniversary of the 'Phoenix Lights.' Followed by Mitch Horowitz on how to use positive-mind principles.More »
  • Bigfoot DNA/ Phoenix Lights

    In the first half, Dr. Melba S. Ketchum joined George Knapp to discuss the official release of her DNA analysis of possible Bigfoot hair samples. In the latter half, primary investigator of the Phoenix Lights phenomenon, Dr. Lynne Kitei, recounted the dramatic events that...More »
  • Positive Thinking & Beliefs

    A doctor of psychology, Eldon Taylor is an expert in mind control and brainwashing. He discussed his work on the power of positive thinking and beliefs, and how our mind holds the key to success and failure, sickness and health. On this night, the 15th anniversary of the...More »
  • American Monsters

    Ian Punnett was joined by Professor of History, Scott Poole, for a discussion of how the monster, in all its various forms, has been a staple of American culture since the earliest settlers of the country. In the first hour, astronomer Dr. Sky and researcher Lynne Kitei...More »
  • The Phoenix Lights

    Nearly 13 years since the largest mass UFO sighting known as The Phoenix Lights, researcher Dr. Lynne Kitei shared her astonishing eyewitness testimony of the incident, as well as talked about similar sightings leading up to the March 1997 event. In the first hour, author...More »
  • Scientific Creativity

    Author Clifford Pickover discussed his latest work on scientific laws and the great minds behind them, and also touched on such topics as time travel, parallel universes and alien life. Some of the best scientific laws have the widest applications, he said. For instance, Fick's...More »
  • Phoenix Lights & the Norfolk Incident

    Investigative writer William Warwick recounted his sighting of the 'Norfolk Incident' and presented a chronology of events surrounding the Phoenix Lights of 1997.More »
  • Evidence for Catastrophe

    Author Lawrence Joseph discussed how a variety of knowledge he gathered from around the world led him to conclude that humankind is soon to face major earth changes and catastrophe.More »
  • Phoenix Lights

    Art Bell was joined by Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center. Davenport discussed the famous Phoenix Lights incident of March 13, 1997 and presented eyewitnesses who each shared what they saw that night.More »
  • Ghostly Tales

    George welcomed special guest Hilly Rose to the show Friday night. Hilly discussed UFOs, ghosts, and sat in with George for Open Lines, which featured a special Halloween hotline for callers who had spooky tales to tell.More »
  • The Phoenix Lights

    Physician and health educator Lynne Kitei shared her story of being witness to the still unexplained "Phoenix Lights" in Arizona, in March 1997, a huge triangular formation seen by countless residents. What made her story all the more remarkable is that she had documented...More »
  • Ufology, Symbols & Secret Societies

    Investigative reporter and author, Jordan Maxwell, interwove a variety of topics that included ufology, secret societies, ancient symbology, and occult religion. He suggested that many UFO witnesses are "marginalized" because the US government may have made a deal with ETs, in...More »

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