David Kessler

David Kessler is the world’s foremost expert on healing and loss, and author of several books, including On Grief and Grieving – considered the Bible on the subject, which he co-authored with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. In his new book, FINDING MEANING: The Sixth Stage of Grief - he extends the well-known five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. His journey with grief started when, as a child, he witnessed a mass shooting. It happened while his mother was dying. This tragedy formed the foundation of his work that he continues to this day. For most of his life, Kessler taught doctors, nurses, counselors, and police about grief. Then, his life turned upside down due to the sudden death of his twenty-one-year-old son.



Past Shows:

  • Malibu Fires / Dealing With Loss

    Robert Kerbeckdiscussed startling information about the 2018 Malibu fires. David Kessler gave advice on grief and loss.More »
  • Abbey Stories/ Grief & the Afterlife

    In the first half, a former brother in the Alexian Novitiate Monastery in Wisconsin, Patrick Rick, discussed a possession case and exorcism which took place at the original Alexian Brothers Hospital in St. Louis in 1949. In the latter half, grief expert David Kessler spoke...More »
  • Life Extension/Dying Process

    In the first half of the show, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw discussed life extension and health supplements. In the latter half, thanatologist and grief expert David Kessler talked about what happens when we die.More »

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