Jeff Hilling

Jeff Hilling is a Bigfoot historian and researcher. He has studied over 2 dozen books and countless articles on the subject of the Patterson-Gimlin film and Bigfoot. He has developed a brand new website devoted exclusively to the subject of the Patterson film debate. In the midst of his studies, he has uncovered some interesting facts regarding the film. Jeff is about 80% convinced that the Patterson film footage is genuine.



Past Shows:

  • GMO Crops/ Bigfoot Footage

    In the first half of our Thanksgiving show, fourth generation Texas farmer, Eric Herm, discussed how the turkey you just ate was probably fed with GMO (genetically modified) corn, and how the emergence of 'frankenfarming' is poisoning delicate ecosystems. In the second...More »
  • Bigfoot Evidence

    Four different experts on Bigfoot, Jeffrey Gonzalez, David Raygoza, Stan Courtney, and Jeff Hilling, shared various aspects of the phenomenon, including photos, sound clips, and analysis of the Patterson film. Last hour guest, paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren...More »

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