Dr. David Hanscom

Dr. David Hanscom is a leading orthopedic spine surgeon at the Swedish Neuroscience Institute in Seattle, WA. Though he believes that surgery and medication have a role, he knows that these standard courses of treatment aren’t what’s needed to treat chronic pain. Instead he provides the framework so the patient can find his or her solution allowing them to live free of pain, forever.



Past Shows:

  • Unnecessary Surgeries / UFO Disclosure

    Dr. David Hanscom argued that most spine operations are unnecessary. Followed by Stephen Bassett & Teresa Tindal with UFO disclosure updates.More »
  • Alternative Pain Treatments/ History of Games

    Dr. David Hanscom discussed alternatives to back surgery, and what's behind the opioid crisis. Followed by Tristan Donovan on the history of games.More »
  • Autism & Vaccines/ Chronic Pain

    Author Kent Heckenlively reported on a cover-up in the connection between autism and vaccines. Followed by Dr. David Hanscom on how to control chronic pain.More »
  • Future of the Car/ Chronic Pain

    In the first half, the host of Popular Science Radio and automotive aficionado, Alan Taylor, discussed the future of the car and how the automobile is becoming more than just transportation. In the latter half, orthopedic spinal surgeon Dr. David Hanscom talked about the...More »
  • Tesla's Inventions

    Professor at the University of Virginia, W. Bernard Carlson discussed how Nikola Tesla was a major contributor to the electrical revolution at the turn of the 20th century, and one of America's first celebrity scientists. First hour guest, orthopedic spinal surgeon Dr....More »
  • Planet X & Catastrophe

    Attorney, contractor, and ET contactee Gordon James Gianninoto provided an update on what he knows about Planet X and the coming pole shift, the nature of gravity, Earth's 'dark twin,' and why he believes the government is covering up imminent global catastrophe. In the...More »

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