Paul Guercio

Paul Guercio is a nationally respected futurist and a long-time student of traditional and esoteric predictive systems. His 25 years of research into the Psychical Sciences and subsequent collaboration with Dr. George Hart directly resulted in the creation of the MERLIN Project. His clients include many prominent business people, politicians and celebrities.


Past Shows:

  • Timetrak Predictions/ Demonology

    Futurist Paul Guercio offered analysis of the latest Merlin software predictions. Followed by K.W. Kesler on his work as a demonologist.More »
  • Sci-Fi & Entertainment/ Trump's Presidency

    Dr. John Curtis commented on the Trump Inauguration. Paul Guercio updated his presidential 'timetraks'. Marc Zicree discussed sci-fi and his projects.More »
  • Election Timetraks/ Past Lives

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project spoke about their software-based forecasting technology in relation to the 'Timetraks' of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. In the latter half,Joanne DiMaggio, who has been...More »
  • Counter-Terrorism & Politics/ Timetraks

    In the first half, investigative reporter Peter Lance shared his analysis of recent shootings in the US, as well as candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. He also followed up on some of his previous investigations into terror suspects, Mob members, and FBI investigations. ...More »
  • Presidential Timetraks/ Other Side Revelations

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, discussed the TimeTraks of the current batch of presidential hopefuls in relation to the results of Super Tuesday. In the...More »
  • 2016 Timetraks/ ET Disclosure

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, discussed their timetraks for world events, as well as the 2016 presidential candidates. In the latter half, political...More »
  • Candidate Timetraks/ Weather Modification

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, shared their timetraks (Merlin's graphical snapshots) of the crowded field of US presidential candidates in the 2016 race. ...More »
  • Predictions & Prophecies

    In the first hour, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who developed a software-based forecasting technology called the Merlin Project, shared their interpretations of the timetraks (Merlin's graphical snapshots) of the current batch of presidential hopefuls. ...More »
  • Predictions for 2015 and Beyond

    Authority on Nostradamus and prophecy, John Hogue, revealed potential history-changing events coming in the second half of 2015 as this year may be the last chance to begin reforming monetary, economic, and political systems; otherwise, he believes that time is running out to...More »
  • Project Merlin/ Alien Intrusions

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart, who run the Merlin Project, which tracks trends for current events, prominent business people, politicians and celebrities, discussed their latest predictive timetraks, created through their software-based...More »
  • Timetrak Predictions/ Secret Space War & JFK Assassination

    In the first half, futurist Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project discussed their software-based forecasting technology and the graphical snapshots of time, called Timetraks, it generates. In the latter half, civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City,...More »
  • Illegal Immigration/ Merlin Project Updates

    In the first half, journalist and teacher Frosty Wooldridge discussed his work campaigning against illegal immigration and the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the U.S. population by 2035, with the population rising to 438 million by 2050. In the latter half,...More »
  • Timetraks & Merlin Project

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project discussed their software-based forecasting technology and the graphical snapshots of time, called Timetraks, it generates. "The timetraks for the United States indicated that this year and continuing for...More »
  • 'Merlin Project' Forecasts

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project joined John B. Wells to discuss their software-based forecasting technology and their latest Timetraks predictions for various public figures and events.More »
  • Planet X and 2012

    John B. Wells welcomed author and publisher Marshall Masters for a discussion on the relationship between crop circles, Planet X, and 2012. In the first hour, futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project talked about forecasting technology and new...More »
  • MERLIN Project / Prophecy & Hidden Agendas

    John B. Wells welcomed futurist Paul Guercio for an update on the MERLIN Project in the first half. Then, radio host and pastor Stan Johnson, discussed prophecy for the United States and why he believes CERN has a hidden agenda to open a wormhole to other dimensions.More »
  • Timetrak Predictions

    Kicking off his new Saturday night berth, John B. Wells (email) welcomed futurist Paul Guercio and physicist George Hart of the Merlin Project for a discussion about their Timetrak technology, which reveals future trends and changes, as well as information about the election,...More »
  • Egypt Unrest

    Three different guests appeared during the evening. Ambassador Clovis Maksoud offered analysis of the situation in Egypt and the Middle East. Archaeologist and researcher Stephen Mehler reacted to the Egyptian uprising. "We are witnessing history...Egypt has never experienced it...More »
  • Timelines & Forecasts

    Futurist Paul Guercio discussed predictions and timelines derived from the Merlin Project, a software-based forecasting technology, he developed with Dr. George Hart. The program is based on the idea that there are repeated pattern changes that occur in 7-year cycles within a...More »
  • Predictions Special 2010

    Ian Punnett hosted Coast to Coast AM's annual prediction show, which featured a variety of prognosticators on what they see looming for the new year, 2010.More »
  • Election Forecasting

    In this forecasting special on the election, numerologist Glynis McCants appeared for the first two hours, followed by Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project in the latter half.McCants sized up the candidates, noting that Obama and Biden are both '2" lifepaths, so they are a...More »
  • Project Merlin & Timelines

    Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project discussed he and Dr. George Hart's software-based forecasting technology and its predictive timelines in such arenas as the war, the elections and 2012. Merlin captures in a graphical form timetraks which show the peaks and valleys of a person,...More »
  • Predictions Special: 2008

    Kicking off the New Year, Ian Punnett hosted Coast to Coast AM's annual prediction show featuring psychics and prognosticators sharing what they see coming in the year 2008. In order of the guests' appearances, here are some of the highlights: Trendcaster Gerald Celente: 2008...More »
  • Thunderbirds, Lizard People & Earth Changes

    Inter-tribal Medicine Man, Red Elk shared his visions of earth changes, and also touched on such topics as thunderbirds, Lizard People, Lucifer, Mel's Hole, time travel, and phantom pain.More »
  • Project Merlin Update

    Futurist Paul Guercio and SDI physicist Dr. George Hart shared an update on the Merlin Project, their software-based forecasting technology.More »
  • Predictions Special

    In our New Year's Day Special, George Noory welcomed various guests who shared their predictions for 2007.More »
  • Charting the Future

    Futurist Paul Guercio of the Merlin Project returned to share forecasts for world events and people. Using a computer software program, The Merlin Project captures in a graphical form, "the hills and valleys" of a person or places' future based on a starting or birth date.More »
  • Forecast: 2006

    Kicking off the New Year, George Noory presented a special 4-hour Predictions Show featuring a group of psychics and prognisticators, each in a half-hour time slot.More »
  • Anticipating the Future

    Ian Punnett talked with futurist Dr. Paul Guercio and SDI (Star Wars) physicist Dr. George Hart about the MERLIN Project, a computer-based forecasting technology that uses specific dates -- the beginning points of major life events -- to produce a graphical image of fluctuations...More »
  • Merlin Project Update

    Futurist Paul Guercio and physicist Dr. George Hart returned to discuss the Merlin Project, their forecasting technology that combines equations derived from celestial phenomena with specific dates, such as a person's birthdate. The system is based on the idea that time is a...More »
  • Forecasting Technology

    Futurist Paul Guercio, along with SDI (Star Wars) physicist, Dr. George Hart returned to the show to discuss the Merlin Project, their scientifically-based forecasting technology, which uses a person's birthdate. It's a "highly distilled method of astrology," that is...More »
  • Forecasting Technology

    "The future is a roadmap, and each moment produces a different road map," said Paul Guercio who along with Dr. George Hart appeared on Monday night's show. The two are the founders of The Merlin Project, a scientifically-based forecasting technology that combines equations...More »