Michael Grosso

Michael Grosso is a teacher, author, and painter, whose interests span psychical research, metaphysical art, the parapsychology of religion, and, primarily, philosophy. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy, and studied classical Greek, at Columbia University, and has taught at City University of New York, Marymount Manhattan College, and City University of New Jersey. He has published books on topics ranging from life after death to the mythologies of endtime.

He presently lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, where he is affiliated with the Division of Personality Studies of UVA. On the Board of Directors of the American Philosophical Practitioner's Association and reviews editor of its Journal, Michael conducts Wisdom Seminars, discussion groups that apply philosophy to problems of everyday life.



Past Shows:

  • The Crash of Civilization

    Michael Grosso examined consciousness and transcendence in the face of looming collapse. Anson Williams of Happy Days talked about the legendary sitcom.More »
  • Death of Holistic Doctors/ St. Joseph & Levitation

    In the first half, author, and public speaker, Erin Elizabeth, who's had a passion for the healing arts for nearly 25 years, shared an update on a spate of dead holistic doctors. In the latter half, Professor of humanities and philosophy, Michael Grosso, discussed his study...More »
  • Afterlife & the Paranormal

    Philosopher and author Michael Grosso discussed the evidence for life after death, which he has collected from various reports and accounts. The survival of consciousness beyond the bodily existence may be connected to an array of other paranormal phenomena, he suggested. For...More »