Orion Foxwood

Orion Foxwood is an Elder in the Celtic and Romano Celtic Traditional Craft, a High Priest in Alexandrian tradition and is the Founding Elder of the Foxwood Temple of the Old Religion. He is co-director of the Moonridge Center, a land based nature sanctuary and mystical educational center located in Maryland. He holds a Master of Human Services degree and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. He is a traditional Faery Seer and has taught these practices as well as psychic development, American Southern folk magic and traditional Craft for nearly 20 years.



Past Shows:

  • Call for UFO Disclosure

    Appearing during the second half of the show, activist Stephen Bassett spoke about the need for UFO/ET disclosure. He believes we are the verge of a dramatic change with the coming election, and noted that John Podesta has been picked to head Obama's transition team. Podesta, a...More »