Barry Downing

Barry Downing is Pastor Emeritus of Northminster Presbyterian Church, Endwell, New York. He earned a bachelor's degree in physics from Hartwick College, a divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. degree in science and religion from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He published The Bible and Flying Saucers in 1968, a book reprinted several times in Europe and the United States. He has argued that events like the parting of the Red Sea and the resurrection of Jesus are UFO related events. His new book, Biblical UFO Revelations, expands on these issues, both in terms of the response of religious groups to these issues, and the way a scientific world view reflects on the evidence. Downing is listed in Who's Who in Theology and Science, has been a consultant in theology to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) since 1972, and has appeared in several of the History Channel series "Ancient Aliens."


Past Shows:

  • UFOs in the Bible

    Reverend Barry Downing discussed biblical miracles and how they might be explained as UFO sightings.More »
  • Experiencing the Afterlife

    Psychotherapist and spirit medium August Goforth discussed his contacts with the Other Side, and neuroscientist Dr. Melvin Morse shared reports of NDEs (near-death encounters) that are are consistent with modern physics and psychology. First hour guest, minister and author...More »

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