Harry S. Dent

Harry S. Dent

Harry Dent, Jr. received his MBA from Harvard Business School and was a successful consultant to Fortune 100 companies at Bain & Company. He realized there was more research to be done in studying economic cycles and focused his time doing that, becoming known as the “demographics guy.” Harry uses the research he developed from decades of hands-on business experience, and the cycles he analyses and hones continuously, to offer readers an easy-to-understand view of the economic future through his Dent Research publications.

Harry Dent has also spent much of his career speaking to executives, financial advisors and investors around the world. He’s appeared on Good Morning America, PBS, CNBC and CNN/FN. He’s been featured in Barron’s, Investor’s Business Daily, Entrepreneur, Fortune, Success, U.S. News and World Report, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, American Demographics and Omni. He is also a regular guest on Fox Business.



Past Shows:

  • The Coming Crash / 'Lunar Wave' & Conspiracies

    Financial consultant Harry S. Dent, Jr. shared a forecast of a coming crash. Followed by Crrow777 on 'lunar waves,' anomalies, and conspiracies.More »
  • Investment Trends/ Science and the Paranormal

    Harry S. Dent, Jr. discussed a looming financial crisis.Dr. Manuel Matas described his research into paranormal experiences.More »
  • Investment Strategies/ Other Side Communications

    Harry S. Dent, Jr., discussed investment strategies. Kristy Robinett talked about communication from beyond death.More »
  • Crash of 2017/ Cryptids & Strange Entities

    Economist Harry Dent talked about a major crash coming in 2017. Followed by author Nick Redfern on the lore of paranormal and cryptid entities.More »
  • Crash of 2017/ Bigfoot Sightings

    In the first half, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent, discussed the cyclical nature of market bubbles and why he expects a crash to happen no later than next year, with late 2017 seeing the sharpest crash. In the latter half, investigative researcher Paul...More »
  • Economic Crash/ Science, Death, & Consciousness

    In the first half, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent, talked about the current stock market fluctuations, and his forecast of a major crash. In the latter half, futurist and researcher Stephan Schwartz discussed death and consciousness - what science knows...More »
  • Coming Deflation/ Tall White ETs

    In the first half, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent, discussed his contention that there is a "great deflation" coming in 2014 and beyond. In the latter half, Charles Hall talked about his encounters with a race of human-like ETs, he referred to as the...More »
  • Economics of the Crash / Paranormal Update

    In the first half of the show, economist specializing in demographics, Harry Dent discussed why we are in for a major crash just ahead, and a decade-long economic slump based on population demographics. In the latter half, paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren shared...More »
  • Chips, Surveillance & Privacy

    Private investigator Roger Tolces spoke about the latest news in surveillance, and privacy expert Katherine Albrecht warned of a technology called "Smart Grid," and the increased use of RFID. First hour guest, consultant Harry S. Dent offered analysis on the economy.More »

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