Peter Canova

Peter Canova has written a trilogy entitled The First Souls, concerning the first awakening of spirit into materiality in the form of human consciousness. Pope Annalisa is the first book of the series. At the age of twenty-three, he first realized his abilities concerning intuitive medical readings, remote viewing, psychokinesis, and other psychic phenomena. These abilities combined with several other talents qualified Peter to handle this project. He also has twenty-five years of voluminous research behind him in both mainstream and alternative religious studies, spiritual history, psychology, and quantum physics. Peter is a cum laude graduate of Brandeis University where he majored in political science. He spent several years in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, a background that greatly contributed to the vivid detail of peoples and cultures portrayed in Pope Annalisa.



Past Shows:

  • Higgs Boson & Ancient Texts/ Inverted Spirituality

    In the first half, authority on the teachings of ancient mystics, Peter Canova, talked about how the recent detection of the previously theoretical Higgs Boson particle bears similarity to how thousands of years ago, mystics described creation and the origin of matter. In...More »
  • Creation & Ancient Origins

    Clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon and author Peter Canova talked about creation and the origin & destiny of humanity based on their synthesis of various mystical sources including Edgar Cayce, and the secret Judeo-Christian gospels, as well as the work of Zecharia...More »
  • Demonology / Ancient Wisdom

    In the first half of the show, author and Anglican Priest, Lionel Fanthorpe, talked about his research into demonology and shadowy deities. In the second half, Peter Canova, a student of esoteric knowledge for over 30 years, discussed the relationship between ancient wisdom...More »

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