Fiona Broome

Fiona Broome is an author and researcher, studying topics related to ghosts, faeries, and alternate history, also known as the Mandela Effect. She sold her first "ghost story" to Fate magazine in the early 1980s. Since then, she’s written or contributed to over a dozen best-selling books. She’s also been a consultant for paranormal TV shows and the stars on them. Fiona is the founder of one of the Internet’s oldest ghost-related websites, Since 2000, her sites have also included and, and she’s written more than 1,000 ghost-related articles for magazines and websites.

Around 2015, one of Fiona’s hobby websites — about the Mandela Effect — sparked international interest. By 2016, new explorers in that field were sharing their notes & theores at Reddit and other forums. Fiona was pleased to see others take the lead in Mandela Effect research. Fiona has been a speaker and panelist at a wide range of international events including the New England Ghost Conference, GhoStock, Central Texas Paranormal Conference, and Canada’s annual G.H.O.S.T.S. conferences. From 2006 through 2010, she was an invited guest and panelist at Dragon Con.



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