Sonia Barrett

Sonia Barrett is the author of The Holographic Canvas; The Fusing of Mind and Matter. She presents cutting edge insights supported by quantum physics, bridging the gap between science and spirituality. She is the host/producer and founder of Sovereign Mind Radio and the founder and publisher of Sovereign Mind Magazine. Sonia explores the possibility of physical existence beyond our common view of time and of cycles. She examines the subtlety of these boundaries and explores the manner in which they influence personal habits and patterns which shape our personal view of reality.



Past Shows:

  • Mind Programming/ UFOs/ Sci-Fi Shows

    In the middle two hours, founder of Sovereign Mind Radio, Sonia Barrett, talked about how the mind is programmed. First hour guest, editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley, spoke about UFO sightings over Washington DC. Last hour guest, writer/producer Marc Zicree discussed his...More »

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