Mark Anthony

Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer" is the author of the award winning, critically acclaimed best-sellers Never Letting Go and Evidence of Eternity. He is a world-renowned fourth generation psychic medium who communicates with spirits. Anthony is an Oxford educated attorney licensed to practice law in Florida, Washington D.C. and before the US Supreme Court. In England he studied mediumship at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College for the Advancement of Psychic Science.

To his credits, Mark most recently was featured on the CBS Emmy Award winning TV show, The Doctors and is seen regularly on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, FOX Television including major talk radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM, Darkness Radio, Shirley MacLaine's Independent Expressions and Sirius XM as a psychic medium, paranormal expert and legal analyst in high profile cases. Mark headlines as a speaker for conventions, expos and spiritual organizations such as the Edgar Cayce A.R.E., IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies) The Lily Dale Assembly, The Sedona Spirit Symposium, Afterlife Research Symposium, and universities including Brown, Columbia, Harvard and Yale.



Past Shows:

  • Scalar Machine Therapy / Psychic Advisors in History

    Dr. Jere Rivera-Dugenio discussed how scalar therapy can be used to heal. Mark Anthony on world leaders who have consulted psychic advisors.More »
  • Survival of Consciousness

    Mark Anthony discussed evidence for the survival of consciousness, including near- and shared-death experiences, and deathbed visions.More »
  • Autism & Vaccinations/ Haunted Real Estate

    Kent Heckenlively discussed the connections between autism and vaccinations. Followed by Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," on haunted properties.More »
  • Serial Killer Coversations

    Journalist Claudia Rowe detailed her intense four-year conversation with a serial killer. Psychic medium Mark Anthony discussed "Broken Heart Syndrome."More »
  • Psychic Ramifications of 9/11

    Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer," a medium who specializes in communication with spirits, joined Dave Schrader (email) to discuss the psychic ramifications of 9/11 on the world and on those who survived, as well as stories about Anthony's various premonitions. In the first...More »
  • Aurora UFO Crash/ Quantum Science & Spirit

    In the first half, author and journalist Jim Marrs discussed the Aurora, Texas UFO crash of 1897, which he considers to be the "smoking gun" of the UFO issue. In the latter half, Mark Anthony the "Psychic Lawyer," a medium who specializes in communication with spirits,...More »
  • Evidence for Eternity/ Atlantis

    In the first half, Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," a psychic medium who specializes in communication with spirits, discussed his latest work finding evidence for eternity, and bridging the gap between scientific and spiritual worlds. In the latter half, author and...More »
  • Nearing Death Awareness

    Dave Schrader (email) was joined by reporter and novelist, Patricia Pearson, who discussed her journalistic investigation into Nearing Death Awareness, where people experience clear messages from beyond as well as profound and vividly beautiful visions just prior to their...More »
  • The Devil, Evil Spirits & Hell

    George Noory welcomed lawyer and medium Mark Anthony for a discussion on the devil, evil spirits and hell. Open Lines followed in the final hour.More »
  • Consciousness, Death & the Afterlife

    Filling in for John B. Wells, Dave Schrader (email) welcomed Mark Anthony, the 'Psychic Lawyer,' who talked about the nature of consciousness and how it relates to death and the afterlife. In the first hour, author Jeff Mudgett discussed his book, Bloodstains, about...More »
  • Energy Psychology

    Joining John B. Wells, clinical psychologist Dr. George Pratt discussed how traditional psychology focuses solely on the mind, but he has found that the most remarkable personal transformations happen through using the body's energy systems to eliminate buried emotional debris. ...More »
  • Psychic Abilities & Christmas Symbolism

    Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells (email) welcomed lawyer and medium Mark Anthony for a discussion on his psychic abilities and work with spirits, which he considers a gift from God, as well as the esoteric elements behind various Christmas traditions. Open Lines...More »
  • Spirit Consultations

    Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," a medium who specializes in communication with spirits, made his debut on the show. He sometimes uses his psychic skills on his cases as a criminal defense attorney, and some of his legal clients have sought him out for his psychic edge, he...More »

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