Watch: Wild Goats Invade Welsh Town

Watch: Wild Goats Invade Welsh Town

By Tim Binnall

A town in Wales on lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus has been overrun by dozens of wild goats. The bizarre invasion has reportedly been unfolding in the community of Llandudno over the last few days. With residents largely stuck inside their homes waiting out the pandemic, the creatures have begun venturing down from the nearby Great Orme country park to explore the deserted streets of the town.

Although the goats have been known to visit the town on occasions when inclement weather strikes the Great Orme, this particular set of circumstances is understandably unique and had led to around 120 of the animals descending on the community en masse. "They are curious, goats are," town councilor Carol Marubbi told the BBC, "and I think they are wondering what's going on like everybody else."

To that end, the goats have been spotted freely feasting on hedges and generally making themselves at home in the community. For their part, the residents of Llandudno have, for the most part, been amused by the interlopers, especially since they have been cooped up inside their homes for days and, as such, appreciate the unexpected entertainment.