Video: Real Estate Company Performs 'Paranormal Inspections' on Homes

Video: Real Estate Company Performs 'Paranormal Inspections' on Homes

By Tim Binnall

In honor of Halloween season, a Texas-based real estate company says that they have enlisted a team of experts to perform 'paranormal inspections' on all of their homes. The clever promotional campaign was announced by Bungalo this week and applies to their portfolio of residences in Dallas, Charlotte, Tampa, and Atlanta. Packaged as a free addition to their inspection process, the company says that "known experts in the paranormal sciences" performed thorough investigations in each of their homes in search of "anything out of the ordinary."

While the service seems to be largely tongue in cheek, the company certainly committed to the proverbial bit as they went so far as to produce a promotional video that showcases one of these purported inspections. And, to their credit, they actually brought in a genuine paranormal researcher, Becky Vickers, to perform the investigation, which consists of her venturing throghout the house armed with a Spirit Box in search of signs of inexplicable or unsettling activity that might concern prospective homebuyers.

Following each inspection, the company says, a special 'Paranormal Inspection Report' is filed for the home. The official-looking document details what tests were done in the residence as well as if anything "odd, strange or of spiritual significance" was detected. It also sports a handy checklist of paranormal phenomena, including apparitions, orbs, and unexplained movements, which may or may not have been noticed by the inspector during their visit.

Ultimately, the inspection concludes with the final verdict as to whether or not the home has "acceptable levels of spiritual activity." At the risk of delving too deeply into what appears to be just a fun ad campaign, it's uncertain as to who decides what constitutes 'acceptable,' since we're guessing that some people aren't too keen on living in a house that has any paranormal phenomena. Be that as it may, Bungalo thankfully included an additional caveat in the report which shows that, should a home wind up being in the nebulous 'unacceptable' range, a cleansing of the home was provided to rid the residence of "unwanted spirits."

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