Video: Cyclops Puppy Born in Thailand

Video: Cyclops Puppy Born in Thailand

By Tim Binnall

A jaw-dropping video from Thailand features a puppy that was born with just one eye in the center of its head. The wondrous pooch was reportedly delivered last week by a dog belonging to Somjai Phummaman in the town of Chachoengsao. When the dutiful owner saw that his canine companion had given birth to a litter of two puppies, he scooped them up with the intention of wrapping them in a blanket, but was quickly taken aback when he realized that one of them resembled a cyclops.

The deformed dog not only sports one large eye in the center of its head, but also a mouth that looks vaguely simian in nature. Due to its resemblance to the wildly popular cartoon characters known as the Minions, the puppy has been given the name 'Kevin' after one of the more well-known iterations of the alien-like creatures. Despite its unique appearance, the animal is seemingly in good health and Phummaman's family hopes to "keep him as a pet until he grows up."

As one can imagine, the cycloptic canine has become something of a sensation in the community where it lives as neighbors have been flocking to Phummaman's home to see the remarkable animal. "Everybody has been amazed by him and saying that it is a lucky sign," the puppy's proud owner declared. In fact, he revealed, some people even went so far as to use the dog's birthday for the lottery numbers and a few individuals have tried to convince him to give the animal to them! Fortunately, he rebuffed those requests as Kevin has already found his forever home with the Phummamans.