Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Discusses UFOs

Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Discusses UFOs

By Tim Binnall

South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg joined what has become a growing list of Democratic presidential candidates to weigh in on the UFO phenomenon when he was recently asked about the subject during an interview. Once again, the comments came during a conversation with New Hampshire newspaper, the Conway Daily Record. Thanks to the diligent work of reporter Daymond Steer, the publication has consistently managed to get politicians passing through the state ahead of next month's primary to weigh in on the phenomenon to the point that the inquiry is almost to be expected and has been dubbed the 'UFO question.'

In this instance, it was Buttigieg who was asked for his thoughts on the much-discussed 'Tic Tac' UFO encounter of Navy pilot and New Hampshire native David Fravor. The mayor's fairly lengthy answer began with him musing that "well, strange things happen out there." Presumably in acknowledgment of last year's news that the Navy was drafting new UFO reporting guidelines for their pilots, Buttigieg said that "it's important for there to be processes for anybody who observes strange things, especially in the military, to be able to get word to where it needs to be heard."

As to what these odd objects might be, the mayor observed that "now, sometimes those strange things are our own doing." To that end, he shared a childhood story wherein he and his family were on vacation in New Mexico and, when they passed by a military base, spotted a "really strange looking blimp" unlike anything he'd ever seen. "About 20 years later, I found myself under one," while serving in Afghanistan, he recalled, explaining that the craft was a military blimp equipped with cameras to provide advanced security for US bases.

Ultimately, Buttigieg posited that "it's very unlikely that we're alone in the universe," but seemed to express skepticism that 'they' are visiting the Earth, arguing with a bit of a chuckle that "it's rather unlikely that that's anything that we'll see concrete physical evidence of on Earth." Pressed on whether or not he has looked into Fravor's story, the mayor conceded that he had not followed it "very closely." Be that as it may, he opined that the pilot's account "if nothing else should arouse imagination and our curiosity."

At the risk of looking too deeply into Buttigieg's comments, it's worth noting that he did not appear to advocate for any kind of UFO disclosure on the part of the government. This is in contrast to two of his primary opponents, Amy Klobuchar and Bernie Sanders, who both indicated that they support some kind of release of information concerning the phenomenon. As of yet, Democratic contenders Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren have yet to make any remarks about the subject on the campaign trail, though that may change in the next few weeks prior to the primary should they also be interviewed by the newspaper which has done a commendable job getting candidates to go on the record regarding the 'UFO question.'