Bigfoot Print Found in North Carolina?

Bigfoot Print Found in North Carolina?

By Tim Binnall

A Delaware man visiting a state park in North Carolina stumbled upon a series of massive prints that may have been left behind by Bigfoot. The remarkable find was reported to Stephen Barcelo, who operates the Cryptozoology and Paranormal Museum in the community of Littleton. According to him, the prints were discovered on Tuesday along an out-of-service road located within Medoc Mountain State Park.

Alas, when Barcelo ventured to the location to investigate the case later in the day, heavy rain had washed away all but one print and a partial impression. That said, the remaining imprint is rather impressive, measuring around 12.5 inches long by seven inches wide, and sporting what appear to be five distinct toe prints. An enlightening video filmed by Barcelo on the scene shows him crafting a plaster cast in order to preserve the tantalizing track.

The discovery of the potential Bigfoot print follows a similar find that was made earlier this month in British Columbia, leaving one to wonder if perhaps, as has been the case with many other creatures, Bigfoot is feeling more comfortable venturing out from the wilderness while the human population is locked down due to the coronavirus. What's your take on this latest possible Bigfoot print from North Carolina? Share your thoughts with us at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.

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