Art Bell Vault: Soviet Secrets

Art Bell Vault: Soviet Secrets

Our newest feature for Coast Insiders, The Art Bell Vault, offers an expanding curated collection with two vintage shows added to the mix each Wednesday. This week's new programs include fascinating conversations containing revelations from the former Soviet Union. First, in an episode from 9/4/98, Art spoke with Stanislav Lunev, who at the time was the highest-ranking military defector from Russia. He detailed his work serving as a spy for the Soviet Union, including being stationed in the United States under the guise of being a journalist and recruiting Americans willing to sell secrets.

Next, we journey back to May 29th, 2005 for an episode in which Paul Stonehill shared accounts of UFO activity and exotic experiments that had largely been hidden behind the proverbial Iron Curtain until the fall of the Soviet Union. He discussed the country's attempt at developing mind control technology during their war with Afghanistan as well as purported weather control projects which may have actually been clandestine tests of a plasma weapon. Stonehill also recounted unusual aerial phenomena reports from Russia dating back to the 14th century.

These classic programs have commercials and breaks removed and are presented in multiple-platforms-- available on-demand for Mac, Windows, IOS, and Android. Many of them feature rare "5th" hours of content from back in the 90s when the show had a longer running time. We do include Art's beloved bumper music, which became such an indelible part of his program.

And for the true Art Bell fan, we offer different listening options to fine-tune your experience, such as guest only, and full show streams. Coast Insiders, we're very happy to bring this new offering to you at no additional charge to your subscription! We welcome your feedback.

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