China & Geopolitics/ Science of Spirituality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

China & Geopolitics/ Science of Spirituality

About the show

President of the London Center for Policy Research and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, Herbert London is professor emeritus at New York University. In the first half, He discussed the volatile geopolitical climate and what America should do about the buildup of Chinese forces in the South China Sea, the growing influence of Chinese economic development around the world, and the type of relationship the US should adopt with Russia. London emphasized at the start that most nations do not want to go to war, since it is destructive and that rivalries have always existed. "Competition doesn’t always lead to conflict," he said.

He described the conditions for most of the Chinese population as poverty that is "as egregious as anywhere in the world." The Chinese government promises a better standard of living for their people by holding out the promise that anyone can climb the economic ladder to the middle class, but that only about 300 million of a population of 1.4 billion have achieved this, for the most part by moving to cities. As for Russia, London believes that Putin will be president for life and that the oligarch has "a deeply brutal sense" of international relations, and the only thing he understands is force and power. Even though London thinks that we are entering a period in history where democratic societies are disappearing, he stated that "wherever there are people who desire freedom, they desire democracy."


In the second half, holistic practitioner and international speaker Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton talked about her study of cosmology and the science of spirituality, and how she began to connect with Mary Magdalene consciousness. She began her training as a medical doctor in London, but after a "kundalini awakening" at age 19 in a yoga class, she began to feel "not quite right" about her education, even though she did go on to finish her degree. The experience made her abandon her agnostic stance and she embarked on researching the relationship of consciousness to matter and energy. Ancient esoteric concepts which were formerly considered unscientific are now beginning to be studied and even confirmed by the newest scientific studies, to the extent that she said "when you are up to date with science, the universe gets a lot weirder."

Rather than the traditional concept of a God or universal being "in charge" of the universe, Samanta-Laughton thinks that reality is composed of a sort of "universal mind" that connects everything. She described the smallest particles of matter as possessing a kind of mind and intelligence of their own. She outlined the popular view of black holes as objects that draw in all matter and light as antiquated by the latest scientific findings, and says that they actually emit vast amounts of matter which has been transformed from light. She also described her concept that consciousness can enter a black hole, but not the physical body. Samanta-Laughton recalled an experience in Santa Fe where she believes she connected with the consciousness of Mary Magdalene and was able to experience events in the life of the Biblical figure from a first-hand perspective. She concluded that her experiences have taught her that "the truth of the universe is unconditional love."

The last 10 minutes featured a pre-recorded call from Dr. Morgus in New Orleans telling George about his teleportation machine.

News segment guests: Peter Davenport / Cal Orey

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