Solar Killshots & ET Intervention

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Solar Killshots & ET Intervention

About the show

Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames presented his latest insights and predictions on such subjects as 'Solar Killshot' safe havens, ongoing extraterrestrial intervention, the Fukushima disaster, and war with Iran. We're not going to be hit by just one mega solar flare, but a series of them over time (perhaps over a 1-2 year period), "that's going to turn Earth into a veritable X-ray & proton rotisserie," he said. Locations in the southern hemisphere, such as in Australia and Africa will have few survival zones, though Christchurch, New Zealand is one possible sanctuary, he said. If you aren't in a safe haven, then living underground to avoid the high winds and dark skies, is your best option, he added.

One bright spot is that there will be ET intervention to help us to rebuild after the solar calamity, he shared. In fact, ETs have already intervened to stop WWIII several times, he claimed. Non-terrestrial humans who have a base here on Earth, have generated glowing plasma balls to stop nuclear activity, Dames continued. He also foresees a global pandemic that will be a combination of bird and swine flu, as well as worldwide financial collapse triggered by Japan's economy suddenly failing.

Dames, who previously predicted a large quake in Japan a number of years before the Fukushima incident (view related video), said there will be 50,000-80,000 deaths from cancers associated with the nuclear plant fallout, with children being particularly susceptible. He sees America getting drawn into a war or military activity against Iran, which in turn will cause China to coax North Korea to start a confrontation, while the US is vulnerable.

Georgia Guidestones

First hour guest, historian and broadcaster Raymond Wiley discussed the Georgia Guidestones, a massive granite monument built in a remote part of northeast Georgia in 1980. "There's a lot of mystery and controversy surrounding both the unknown identity of the creator of the stones, as well as the 10 precepts or guidelines that are etched into the stones," particularly the one that says to keep the human population under 500 million, he noted. The Guidestones, which are inscribed in a variety of languages, serve as a kind of Rosetta stone for people in the future, as though they are recovering from a catastrophe, he commented. For more, view Wiley's documentary video.

News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Craig Hulet, Catherine Austin Fitts, Fred Guentert

Bumper Music

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