Chemicals: Dangers & Deceptions

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Chemicals: Dangers & Deceptions

About the show

Investigative reporter Randall Fitzgerald believes that the interaction of synthetic chemicals is wreaking havoc on human health and weakening people's immune systems. "We're all guinea pigs" in a vast chemical experiment, he said, arguing that western medicine is based on a synthetic paradigm in which ailments are treated by non-natural drugs that cause side effects, which in turn need to be remedied by more medications.

He pointed out deceptions in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and shared his findings:

  • Animal studies are not reliable predictors of human health issues.
  • Water purification plants don't remove synthetic chemicals, thus drugs like Ritalin and Prozac are found in the groundwater supply.
  • The real threat from synthetic chemicals is from their synergistic and cumulative effects on the human body.
  • The umbilical cord doesn't protect the fetus from chemicals nor does the liver protect from toxins.
  • The FDA has not ensured that pharmaceuticals are safe.

Fitzgerald said there are a number of things a person can do to deal with living in a toxic environment:

  • Limit your exposure to chemicals of all types (this requires taking an inventory of your situation).
  • Get tested for chemical exposure, especially if overweight.
  • Develop your own detox strategy.
  • Resources for this include the Hippocrates Health Institute and the Optimum Health Institute.

Asteroids & Volcanoes

Appearing briefly at the start of the show, planetary scientist Dan Durda commented on an Earth protection plan, to deflect incoming asteroids using other asteroids. Because of the labor intensiveness of such a scheme, he declared it to be impractical.

Volcanologist R.B. Trombley joined the show during the first half hour to report on volcanoes in the Philippines and Indonesia. He also discussed the possibility of an eruption at Yellowstone.

Bumper Music

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