Weird Stories

Hosted byGeorge Noory


Weird Stories

About the show

George Noory hosted four hours of Open Lines and offered a 'weird' hotline for callers with bizarre stories to tell. Gary in Nashville recounted the time he was backpacking in the Smoky Mountains. According to Gary, he ducked into a small cave to avoid a thunderstorm, and noticed two eyes staring at him from the back of it every time lightning struck. He described a 6-ft tall human-shaped, ape-like creature with brown hair. Gary said he left the beast an apple, which it eventually exited the cave to gather and eat.

Sharon in Montreal remembered seeing a "little figure" leaning on her bed and staring at her when she was a child. She also recalled feeling a small pebble-sized implant in her nose. Later in life, when she was in her thirties, Sharon said she had found out that she was pregnant; however, the next day doctors could find no sign of a child in her womb. Sharon believes the baby was taken and claims to have "documented proof" of the incident. Derrick from Boston revealed that an alien had once called the police from his apartment. He believes the alien placed an implant in his arm, which now travels around in his body.

Arthur from Hoboken, New Jersey shared an unusual occurrence he experienced at a puppet factory where he used to work. While eating lunch one day, Arthur said he heard talking coming from behind him, but could see no one in the area. He soon realized that one of the puppets was communicating with him, telling bad jokes "like Jack Benny." According to Arthur, after the puppet spoke to him the room filled with a strange odor similar to fireworks.

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