Remote Viewing

Hosted byArt Bell

Remote Viewing

About the show

Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames helped welcome in an Unhappy New Year, as he warned about Earth's next major catastrophe. He believes he has found the location of Earth's next major catastrophe. According to Dames, a 9+ magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter just off the northwest tip of New Guinea (Eastern Indonesia, 0.5 degrees S/131.5 degrees E), will occur sometime in March 2005.

He also provided updates on a cold case involving a missing girl and a treasure hunt in the southwestern United States, which he discussed previously on the 10/9/04 show. Dames said the search for a stagecoach strongbox filled with gold led his remote viewing team to private property near Flagstaff, AZ, where they abandoned plans to dig it up. The hunt for a significant amount of gold continued and, according to Dames, led him to an area rich with gold-bearing soil 20 miles southeast of Pahrump, NV. (The exact GPS location of the find is 35° 48' 33.5" N / 115° 27' 21.5" W.) Dames is currently looking for yet another gold treasure and hopes to find it by Spring.

Dames also talked about his continuing search for the BTK (Bind, Torture, Kill) killer, and how he gets "into the head" of his remote viewing targets. Dames said that a group of trained professional remote viewers can actually zero in on certain individuals, and affect them psychically.

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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