The Shroud of Turin

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Shroud of Turin

About the show

"The most unprecedented and unique event in all of history may have caused the most unique images in all of history," said Mark Antonacci, Thursday night's guest. Antonacci was referring to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Shroud of Turin, a 14 ft. burial cloth, which he said shows evidence of what occurred at that time. He believes Christ's body disappeared in a burst via "a very sophisticated process," that was akin to particle radiation (not invented till the mid 20th century), leaving unusual traces in the shroud.

Having spent over twenty years researching and writing about the shroud, Antonacci is pushing for further scientific tests of the fabric, which he thinks will prove that particle radiation did take place. The shroud, which has a long and controversial past, was first photographed in 1898, and the photographer was stunned when he developed the image, Antonacci said. Details not visible to the naked eye appeared clearly in the photographic negative, lending credence to the idea that this cloth indeed had most unusual properties. To view photos of the Shroud of Turin visit Mark Antonacci's website.

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