Tyrel Ventura

Tyrel Ventura


Tyrel Ventura is the son of Jesse Ventura and the producer and now co-host of the popular TV show Conspiracy Theory. For over ten years he has been a producer, writer and director in Los Angeles and is actively involved with free speech and the Occupy movement.


Past Shows:

  • Alternative Media Special

    Filling in for George, John B. Wells hosted a discussion on alternative media with a panel of guests appearing throughout the night, including journalist and Breaking the Set host Abby Martin, Shepard Ambellas of Intellihub.com, and Buzzsaw hosts Tyrel Ventura, Sean Stone and...More »
  • Natl. Def. Authorization Act Special

    In a special program, George Noory was joined by Linda Moulton Howe to interview various guests (Jonathan Emord, David Seaman, Tyrel Ventura, & Gerald Celente) about the National Defense Authorization Act, which many consider to be a curtailing of US citizens' rights &...More »

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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