Steven Streufert

Steven Streufert


Steven Streufert is the proprietor of a used and antiquarian bookshop in Willow Creek, California, in the heart of the historic "Bigfoot Country." Willow Creek is where the name "Bigfoot" became a household word in 1958, after giant tracks were found and cast just north of the town, up in Bluff Creek. This is the same area where the famous 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film of Bigfoot was shot. Steven blogs about Bigfoot on BIGFOOT'S BLOG, and has been writing about the topic since 2007.


Past Shows:

  • ET Tech and Dolphin/Tree Die-Offs

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed ET artifacts & dragonfly drone technology, a dolphin die-off in Peru, and the crisis of trees dying all over the planet. First hour guests, scholar of Bigfoot history, Steven Streufert, and Sasquatch researcher Rhettman...More »
  • Bigfoot & The Beast of Boggy Creek

    In the middle two hours, scholar of Bigfoot history, Steven Streufert, shared history and analysis of the mysterious creature. Last hour guest, cryptozoology advisor to Rue Morgue magazine, Lyle Blackburn, discussed reports of a strange beast known as the Fouke Monster that have...More »

Last Night

Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcisms & the Demonic
Exorcist Bill Bean discussed demonic possession, his deliverance ministry, and various paranormal topics.
Art Bell Vault


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